2025 BetMGM Premier League (Nottingham)の動画がいくつか上がっていました。今回ピックアップしたのはRob Cross vs Chris DobeyのQuarter Finalでのワンシーンです。
【English】Several videos from the 2025 BetMGM Premier League (Nottingham) have been uploaded. This time, I’m highlighting a moment from the Quarter Final between Rob Cross and Chris Dobey.
At this point, the game was still in the early stages, and after Dobey had brought his score down to 65, it was Rob’s turn with 144 left.
The most common checkout route for 144 is T20 → T20 → D12 (many players I know also struggle with 18s). Aiming for T20 just above the bull feels easier than aiming for T18, which is slightly higher and to the right—though, of course, that doesn’t mean I’d actually hit T20.
However, Rob chose a completely different path, going for T18 → T18 → D18, effectively hitting 18s all across the board.
This reminded me that he also finished his recent nine-darter on D18, so he must really favor 18s. I can’t help but be a little jealous of that!
And sure enough, he nailed all three darts perfectly, securing the leg with a flawless 18s checkout. Brilliant!!