【PDC】インナーアウターインナーの美しさ!!【2025 Lecot Belgian Darts Open】


2025 Lecot Belgian Darts Openの動画がいくつか上がっていました。今回ピックアップしたのはMichael Smith vs Ryan Joyceのラウンドロビンでのワンシーンです。



【English】Several match videos from the 2025 Lecot Belgian Darts Open have been uploaded. This time, I’m highlighting a moment from the round-robin match between Michael Smith and Ryan Joyce.

The video starts just before the finishing scene, with Ryan’s throw while sitting on 262. What would you do in this situation? Personally, since I wouldn’t be able to set up a checkout, I’d probably go for a simple T20. But PDC professionals approach it differently—Ryan started with T19.

If he managed to hit just one triple, he would reduce 95 points, leaving himself with 167, which would set up the possible checkout of T20 → T19 → Bullseye for the next turn. However, Ryan shocked everyone by hitting three T19s for a massive 171, bringing his score all the way down to 92.

With the sudden pressure on Michael, he was left with 125 and went for three bulls! (Well, maybe if his first dart had landed in the outer bull, he would have switched to T20 → D20, but still…)

He nailed inner bull → outer bull → inner bull exactly as intended and celebrated with a fist pump!

Since the bull in steel darts is incredibly small, I honestly can’t tell if pros actually aim separately for the inner and outer bull, or if that’s even possible. But a three-bull checkout is one of the most aesthetically pleasing finishes in steel-tip darts.

