【PDC】ホームゲームのアドバンテージ!!【2025 Lecot Belgian Darts Open】


2025 Lecot Belgian Darts Openの動画が引き続きいくつか上がっていました。今回ピックアップしたのはLuke Humphries vs Mike De Deckerのラウンドロビンでのワンシーンです。

この大会はベルギーで行われていますので、Deckerにとってはホームゲームとなります。大観衆の応援もあってかFirst to 6のフォーマットのこのゲームは格上のHumphries相手に一進一退の接戦となっていました。




【English】Several more videos from the 2025 Lecot Belgian Darts Open have been uploaded. This time, I’m highlighting a moment from the round-robin match between Luke Humphries and Mike De Decker.

Since this tournament is held in Belgium, it was effectively a home game for De Decker. With the support of a huge crowd behind him, this First to 6 match turned into a fierce battle against the higher-ranked Humphries.

The scene I’m focusing on happened in the ninth leg, with the score tied at 4-4, starting from the moment Humphries had brought his score down to 76. Given the situation, winning this leg would put him at match point, putting immense pressure on his opponent.

De Decker had 122 left and went for the T18 → T18 → D7 route. This is a common approach since, even if the first dart lands in a single, he could still go for T18 → Bullseye. With each successful triple, the crowd’s excitement grew louder, and when he finally nailed D7, the venue erupted in celebration.

This momentum carried over into the next leg, where De Decker hit back-to-back Ton80s, completely overwhelming Humphries and securing a stunning giant-killing victory. It was a match that really made me appreciate the power of a home game advantage.

By the way, after the match, a tearful woman briefly appeared on screen—was she a fan, girlfriend, or perhaps his wife? She looked absolutely overjoyed!

