【PDC】急がば回れ!【2025 Ladbrokes UK Open】


2025 Ladbrokes UK Openのセミファイナル動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはLuke Littler vs Jonny Claytonの試合のワンシーン。


【English】The semi-final match video of the 2025 Ladbrokes UK Open has been uploaded. This time, I’m highlighting a moment from the match between Luke Littler and Jonny Clayton—featuring a rather unusual checkout arrangement.

Littler had 18 left, and for his first dart, instead of aiming for D9, he deliberately hit S6. In the first leg, he had already missed all three attempts at D5, so perhaps he decided that the upper-left doubles weren’t working for him that day and adjusted accordingly.

I can relate to that feeling since I also find it easier to aim at the right side of the board rather than the left (just my personal opinion, lol).

Littler went on to finish with S6 → D6, and I must say, sticking to the same target area does make it easier to throw consistently. This kind of arrangement isn’t a bad idea at all—even though, realistically, I almost never play in a double-out format anyway!

