【PDC】時々現れる和やかなシーン【2025 Ladbrokes UK Open】


2025 Ladbrokes UK Openrラウンドロビン動画がいくつか上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはLuke Humphries vs Ryan Joyceの試合のワンシーン。

Best of 19のレギュレーションでこの時点で9-1でHumphriesがリードしておりRyanも内心では負けを覚悟していたことでしょう。そこに来てHumphriesの170トライが始まりました。もちろんですが170はスティールダーツで1ラウンドで上がれる最高得点でこれを決めると観客も盛り上がります。




【English】Several round-robin match videos from the 2025 Ladbrokes UK Open have been uploaded. This time, I’m highlighting a moment from the match between Luke Humphries and Ryan Joyce.

It was a Best of 19 match, and at this point, Humphries was leading 9-1. Ryan must have already resigned himself to defeat internally. Then, Humphries went for a 170 checkout attempt.

Of course, 170 is the highest possible checkout in a single turn in steel-tip darts, and if he had hit it, the crowd would have erupted in excitement.

In this moment, Humphries landed two perfect T20s and was ready to seal the checkout with a Bullseye. However, the final dart missed well to the left—probably by 4-5 cm. Humphries had a “How did that miss so badly!?” expression on his face, and Ryan even gestured with his fingers to indicate how far off it was, creating a lighthearted atmosphere in the venue.

But what was even more incredible was what happened next—Ryan followed up with a 142 checkout, going T19 → T19 → D14 to complete a high finish! Humphries, though smiling wryly, congratulated Ryan with a hug, making for a truly heartwarming moment.

By the way, moments like this happen all the time when playing darts, right? (Or maybe I’m just bad at it…) That “Why on earth did my dart go THERE!?” moment—we’ve all been there!

