2025 BetMGM Premier League in GlasgowのQuarter Final動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはLuke Littlerが170をハイアウトしかけたシーン。
動画ではT20を連続で決めたものの最後のBull’s eyeが少しだけ左にずれて惜しくも145止まりに。悔しいはずですがそのあとのラウンドですぐにS5→D10と決めるのはさすがLittlerです。Littlerはその後も破竹の勢いでLegを取っていき結局2-5のビハインドな展開から6-5で勝利しました。今大会も相当調子がよさそうですね。
ところで会場はRob Crossへのブーイングがすごかったですが、みんなLittlerにBetしていたということでしょうか。圧倒的優勢からの逆転負けはちょっと気の毒に感じました。
【English】The Quarter Final video of the 2025 BetMGM Premier League in Glasgow has been uploaded. The scene I want to highlight this time is when Luke Littler almost hit a 170 checkout.
In steel-tip darts, 170 is the highest possible checkout score, so whenever a player starts a round with 170 left, it’s always exciting to watch. The crowd knows this too, so the atmosphere builds up just like in the third round of a potential 9-darter. I always wish we could have that kind of excitement in the Japanese darts scene as well.
In the video, Littler nailed two consecutive T20s but narrowly missed the final Bullseye, slightly pulling it to the left, leaving him at 145 instead of completing the checkout. He must have been frustrated, but in the very next round, he coolly finished with S5 → D10—a true testament to his skill.
Littler kept his momentum going, winning leg after leg, and eventually came back from a 2-5 deficit to claim victory at 6-5. He seems to be in top form in this tournament as well.
By the way, the crowd’s boos toward Rob Cross were intense. Was it because everyone had bet on Littler? A comeback defeat from such a dominant position must have been tough for him.