【PDC】Luke Littlerでも負けるときはある【2025 Players Championship 6】


2025 Players Championship 6の動画がいくつか上がっていました。今回ピックアップしたのはLuke Littler vs Dom Taylorのラウンドロビンでのワンシーンです。

ラウンドロビン動画ですので観客もおらず、コーラーも淡々とスコアを告げるだけの静かな動画ですが、試合展開は熱いものでした。Best of 11 Legsのフォーマットで行われているこのロビン、お互いマッチポイントとなる5-5の終盤から動画はスタートさせています。



ところでDomはもしかしたらPhil Taylorの親戚か!?と思って調べたのですが、血縁関係はないみたいです。

【English】Several videos from the 2025 Players Championship 6 have been uploaded. This time, I’m highlighting a moment from the round-robin match between Luke Littler and Dom Taylor.

Since this is a round-robin match, there was no audience, and the caller was simply announcing the scores in a calm and quiet manner. However, the match itself was intense.

The video starts in the final stages of this Best of 11 Legs match, with both players at match point (5-5).

Dom was left with 25 and aimed for a S1 → D12 finish. His first dart barely avoided landing in T1, instead just sneaking into S1. However, his D12 attempt fell short, landing in S12 instead.

Now down to D6, it was an immensely high-pressure moment. After all, his opponent was Littler, who had only 50 remaining, meaning he would almost certainly check out with the classic S10 → D20 in the next turn.

But Dom’s third dart landed perfectly in the center of D6, securing a huge upset victory! Well played, Dom!!

Littler’s reaction was also quite interesting—even though he lost, he looked somewhat amused.

By the way, I wondered if Dom Taylor might be related to Phil Taylor, so I looked it up—but it turns out they are not related.

