2025 BetMGM Premier League in DublinのQuarter Final動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはGerwyn Price vs Luke Littlerの試合でLittlerが最終レグで109をフィニッシュしたシーン。
ところでこの試合、GPの気迫が凄まじかったですね。相手がLittlerということもあり1st Legから気合十分なのが伝わってきました。やはり強敵相手ということでかなり自分を鼓舞しながら戦っていたのだと思います。
【English】The Quarter Final match video of the 2025 BetMGM Premier League in Dublin has been uploaded. This time, I focused on the match between Gerwyn Price and Luke Littler, specifically the moment when Littler finished 109 in the final leg.
When checking out 109, the most common route is T19 → S12 → D20. Littler also went for this route and successfully hit T19, but in an unusual turn of events, his second dart landed in D12 instead of S12.
Perhaps he wasn’t expecting this outcome, as he suddenly started calculating his remaining score in a bit of a panic. He seemed to take quite some time figuring it out, even confirming with the caller—it was pretty amusing to watch! The commentator shouting “28! 28!” was also quite memorable.
Still, despite the unexpected situation, he calmly refocused and hit D14 to finish the leg—that was impressive.
By the way, GP’s intensity in this match was incredible. Since his opponent was Littler, you could tell he was fired up right from the first leg. Facing such a formidable opponent, he was clearly pushing himself hard throughout the match.