引き続き2025 BetMGM Premier League in GlasgowのQuarter Final動画より。今回取り上げたのはMVGが6投で302をフィニッシュしたシーン。
On fireな時のMVGは誰も勝てないんじゃないかくらいに凄いパフォーマンスを発揮しますが、この対戦のMVGもその時と似た雰囲気を感じました。がんばれMVG!
【English】Continuing with the Quarter Final match from the 2025 BetMGM Premier League in Glasgow. This time, I’m highlighting the moment when MVG finished 302 in just six darts.
It was MVG’s turn with 302 remaining. He brilliantly hit a Ton80, bringing his score down to 122. However, his opponent, Bunting, also responded with back-to-back Ton80s, reducing his score to just 30—an incredibly intense exchange. These kinds of Ton80 shootouts are always some of the most exciting moments in darts.
On MVG’s next turn, he was in a tough spot—if he failed to check out here, he was almost certain to lose. But he pulled it off in style, hitting T18 → T18 → D7 to finish 122! You could tell from his celebration how much pressure he was under. T18 to D7 are practically on opposite sides of the dartboard, so I personally wouldn’t go for that route (not to mention, I struggle with T18), but this moment once again proved just how different the top PDC players are.
When MVG is on fire, it feels like no one can stop him. And in this match, he had that same unstoppable aura. Keep going, MVG!
By the way, I noticed a fan wearing a Bunting mask in the crowd—was that handmade? It looked really well-made!