【PDC】RYAN SEARLEの98【2025 Players Championship 4】


2025 Players Championship 4のQuarter Final動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはMickey Mansell vs Ryan Searleの試合でRyanが最終レグで98をフィニッシュしたシーン。




【English】The Quarter Final match video of the 2025 Players Championship 4 has been uploaded. This time, I focused on the match between Mickey Mansell and Ryan Searle, specifically the moment when Ryan finished 98 in the final leg.

98 in steel darts is surprisingly tricky, isn’t it? In soft-tip darts, you’d usually go for Bull → T16 without hesitation, but in steel-tip darts, where the bull is less reliable, you need to aim for one of the triples instead.

At this point, it was already the final leg, and on top of that, Mansell had brought his score down to 51. This meant that if Ryan failed to check out, there was a high chance he would lose the match—a high-pressure moment.

This time, Ryan chose S20 → T18 → D12. (He was probably aiming for T20 on the first dart, but it may have drifted high.) Then, he calmly hit T18 and finished with D12—a performance that is incredibly difficult under such circumstances. If it were me, I’d probably miss the target with my first dart already!

It might seem like an ordinary moment, but it really showcased the difference between top professionals and the rest of us, so I wanted to comment on it.

