【WSD】Steve Beatonの20【2025 BetGoodwin World Seniors Darts Championship】


2025 BetGoodwin World Seniors Darts Championshipのラウンドロビン動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはSteve Beaton vs Colin Mcgarryの試合でBeatonが最終レグで20をフィニッシュしたシーン。



【English】The round-robin match video of the 2025 BetGoodwin World Seniors Darts Championship has been uploaded. This time, I focused on the match between Steve Beaton and Colin McGarry, specifically the moment when Beaton finished 20 in the final leg.

I stumbled upon this video while browsing YouTube. Beaton retired from the PDC in 2024, but it seems he has now shifted his focus to the Seniors Tour.

With his athletic short hair, thick dark eyebrows, and strong neck, he’s an incredibly cool “ikemen uncle” (handsome older gentleman)—at least in my opinion! I hope he continues to perform well for many years to come.

As for the highlighted scene, Beaton was aiming for D10. His first dart missed wide into the outer board, but he gradually adjusted his aim to the left and clinched D10 with his third dart—brilliant!

