2025 BetMGM Premier League in ExeterのQuarter Final動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはGerwyn Price vs Luke Humphriesの試合でLukeが156をフィニッシュしたシーン。
スティールダーツでもソフトダーツでもT20→T20→D18のルートが一般的でしょう(ソフトダーツのマスターアウトだったら3投目にトリプルを使えるのでいくつもルートがあります)。GPが48まで削ってのこの場面なので若干プレッシャーがかかる状況かと思いますが、涼しい顔をしてT20→T20→D18を決め切りました。さすがCool Hand Lukeです。こういうハイアウトを一発で決めるシーンは何度見ても気持ちいいですよね。
【English】The Quarter Final match video of the 2025 BetMGM Premier League in Exeter has been uploaded. This time, I focused on the match between Gerwyn Price and Luke Humphries, specifically the moment when Luke finished 156.
In both steel-tip and soft-tip darts, the most common checkout route for 156 is T20 → T20 → D18. (In soft-tip darts with master-out rules, the third dart can be a triple, offering multiple finishing routes.)
At this moment, GP had already brought his score down to 48, which added a bit of pressure. However, Luke, with his usual calm demeanor, effortlessly hit T20 → T20 → D18 to take the leg.
That’s Cool Hand Luke for you! No matter how many times I watch a clean high checkout like this, it never gets old—it’s always satisfying to see!