2025 Ladbrokes UK Openrラウンドロビン動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはPeter Wright vs Luke Littlerの試合でPeterが81をフィニッシュしたシーン。
まずこの試合、一進一退の息をのむ展開で非常に面白いものでした。Best of 19の試合でPeterが8-9で負けていて、かつ相手のLittlerが40まで削っているこのシーン、普通に考えたらここで上がれないと次のLittlerが40をフィニッシュしてこのゲームのPeterが負けとなる展開が極めて高い確率で見えてきます。
【English】The round-robin match video of the 2025 Ladbrokes UK Open has been uploaded. This time, I focused on the match between Peter Wright and Luke Littler, specifically the moment when Peter finished 81.
First of all, this match was an intense back-and-forth battle. It was a Best of 19 match, and at this point, Peter was trailing 8-9, with Littler already down to 40. Normally, if Peter failed to check out here, Littler would likely finish 40 on his next turn, securing the match.
Under this extreme pressure, Peter confidently hit T19 with his first dart. His second dart missed and went into the outer board, but with his third dart, he precisely hit D12, bringing the game level at 9-9.
Whenever I watch moments like this, I always think, “I’d definitely miss that shot,” but PDC professionals never cease to amaze me with their composure.
By the way, in the 19th leg, Littler chose not to go for a 170 checkout. While it’s understandable since his opponent wasn’t yet on a finish, do you think he deliberately aimed for S10 just to hype up the crowd?
Then, with his very first dart of the next turn, he hit D20 to seal the victory—what an entertainer!