【PDC】161の上がり方【2025 BetMGM Premier League】


2025 BetMGM Premier LeagueのQuarter Finalの動画が上がっていました(その2)。こちらはLuke Littlerが161をハイアウトした動画。

ソフトダーツでもスティールダーツでもブルに1回は入れないと上がれませんが、スティールだと3投目にインブルを決める以外ないので、フィニッシュへのルートは限られます。一般的にはT20→T17→Bull’s eyeが選ばれるルートでしょうか。PDCのトッププロでも161のハイアウトはなかなか見えませんが、決め切るあたりはさすがLittlerと言えます。

2025 PDC World Darts Championshipの決勝戦の再現となったこのLittler vs MVGの試合はQuarter Finalでやるには勿体ない熱い試合ですね。結果はMVGが勝ちましたが、QFでのこのような激しい喜びようは、恐らく本人はやり返してやる気満々だったからだと思います。


【English】A new video of the 2025 BetMGM Premier League Quarter Final was posted (Part 2). This one shows Luke Littler finishing on 161. In both soft-tip and steel-tip darts, you generally need to hit the bull at least once to check out, but in steel darts, you have no choice but to land the inner bull on your third dart, which severely limits the checkout routes. Typically, players go for T20 → T17 → Bull’s Eye. Even among top PDC pros, a 161 checkout is a rare sight, so the fact that Littler nailed it really shows his caliber.

This Littler vs. MVG match, a rematch of the 2025 PDC World Darts Championship final, was such an intense battle that it feels almost too good for a Quarter Final. MVG ultimately won, but judging by his celebration at the QF stage, he was clearly fired up to settle the score this time.

By the way, he wore a black jersey last time, but now he’s back in his usual green, so it might have been a one-off jersey. I really liked that black one, though—it was pretty cool.

