【PDC】160の上がり方【2025 Players Championship 1】


2025 Players Championship 1のラウンドロビン動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはAndy Baetensが160をハイアウトしたシーン。

一般的には160を残した場合はT20→T20→D20がセオリーかなと思っています。T20→Bull’s eye→Bull’s eyeも理論的にはあり得ますが、いかんせんスティールダーツのインブルはとても小さいですからね。なぜこんな当たり前のことを書いているかというと、この動画の5:50頃のMichael Smithの動画で160を狙ってS20→Bull’s eye→Bull’s eyeとアレンジしていたから。どういう気分の時にBullを狙いたくなるのかぜひ本人に聞いてみたいものです。


【English】A round-robin video from the 2025 Players Championship 1 has been uploaded, featuring a scene where Andy Baetens checks out on 160. Generally, when you’re left with 160, the typical approach is T20 → T20 → D20. Of course, T20 → Bull’s Eye → Bull’s Eye is theoretically possible too, but the inner bull on a steel dartboard is pretty small, isn’t it?

You might wonder why I’m stating something so obvious. It’s because in the video around the 5:50 mark, Michael Smith actually tries to finish 160 by going T20 first but failed, then aranged by Bull’s Eye → Bull’s Eye. I’d love to ask him what kind of mindset makes a player decide to aim for the bull in that situation.

As for Andy, after he checked out on 160, he appeared to apologize to his opponent for some reason. Even the commentator was saying something along the lines of, “Why is he apologizing? That was a astonish finish.” Maybe he was jokingly saying, “Sorry for being too good,” or something like that.

