2025 Players Championship 3のラウンドロビン動画が上がっていました。今回取り上げたのはPeter Wright vs Gerwyn Priceの試合でPeterが95をフィニッシュしたシーン。
一投目はBullの少し上に抜けてS20に入りました。おそらくBullに入って70ないしは45まで減らす算段だったかと思います。75を残してPeterが狙ったのはOuter Bull→Inner Bullというルートでした。二投目はBullの下側に何とか入ったものの、1本目のS20が邪魔で3投目のInner Bullのスペースはわずかしか残っていませんでした。しかしここできっちりと隙間を通してInner Bullに入れてこのレグを取りました!素晴らしいフィニッシュで、GPとのグータッチも印象的ですね。
なお、試合はGerwyn Priceが112というすごいアベレージで勝利しました!!
【English】The round-robin match video of the 2025 Players Championship 3 has been uploaded. This time, I focused on the match between Peter Wright and Gerwyn Price, specifically the moment when Peter finished 95.
In the sixth leg, with Peter trailing 1-4, he had a chance to check out 95. Meanwhile, his opponent, GP (Gerwyn Price), had already brought his score down to 40, so if Peter failed to take this opportunity, it was highly likely that GP would win the leg.
For his first dart, Peter aimed for the bull but missed slightly high, landing in S20 instead. He was probably planning to hit the bull to bring the score down to either 70 or 45. Left with 75, Peter chose the Outer Bull → Inner Bull route. His second dart managed to land just below the bull, but the S20 from the first dart was blocking most of the space for the third dart. However, he precisely threaded it through the small gap and hit the Inner Bull to take the leg! An incredible finish, and the fist bump with GP afterward was also a nice moment.
By the way, I didn’t realize Peter has such long hair when he doesn’t style it upright. I’m kind of jealous of how much hair he has!
Oh, and as for the match result—Gerwyn Price won with an incredible 112 average!!